Most women have been “on a diet” at some point in their lives, hoping to lose extra weight so they can feel good about themselves and like what they see in the mirror.
And It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with dieting information, a lot of which is contradictory. Just try googling “weight loss,” and you’ll come across an overwhelming amount of diet advice and dietary plans. Fads are everywhere, from magic diet pills to juice detox diets. People are desperate for that quick fix that will make them feel better right now. But are these quick-fix, often-extreme diets effective, and more importantly, what are they doing to our health? One thing that most nutrition experts agree on, is that the biggest problem with fad diets is that they’re not sustainable. You may be able to survive on way less calories than your body really needs, but the motivation level with all-or-nothing dieting hardly ever lasts for long. Also, fad diets can be dangerous. A common result of dieting is slowing down your metabolism because of not eating enough. (Don't feel like reading? No worries, just watch the video above. It contains the same information.) I remember starving myself as a teenager wanting to be as skinny as possible and I ended up looking and feeling really unhealthy. My body wasn’t getting the nutrients it needed to run well. Your body needs the proper balance of nutrients to function and it needs a steady supply of fuel to run well, and without it, it’ll do whatever it needs to survive. So in the case of under-nourishing your body, your body is smart and it will hold on to whatever you do eat because it senses starvation and wants to protect you, so even when you do exercise or exert energy, your body won’t release the weight that it normally would if you were eating more. So bottom line, you don’t have to eat less, you just have to eat right. Another negative effect of dieting is the increase in anxiety or stress over your food choices. This often comes with all-or-nothing mentality. Thinking that you’re either on the wagon or off the wagon. The truth is, life happens and you’re not always going to eat perfectly. Christmas parties and family dinners happen, and you’ll choose to indulge a little more on certain occasions. That’s life, and it’s ok. I personally live by the 80/20 rule, where 80% of the time I’m intentional about eating whole, live foods as close to nature as possible and making sure I eat balanced meals, and I don’t get stressed out about the other 20% of the time or if I’m in a situation where my choices are limited. Also, what works for one person may not work for another. Each one of us is unique in our thoughts, lifestyle and physiology, which is why when I work with clients one on one I customize nutrition plans based on their lifestyle and their goals, not on what necessarily works for someone else. My recommendation for clients and for you is to practice patience and putting your effort toward taking the long-term approach to developing healthy, sustainable eating habits that are life-long and enjoy life without restrictions or starving yourself. If you want my help figuring out what will work best for you, send me an Email and I would be happy to chat with you. Until next time, May Anne xo
I’d like to talk to you about winter weight gain and to tell you that this year can be different. We all seem to be so focused on getting in shape for the summer. When the layers of winter clothing come off and we’re more exposed, we want to look and feel great. I think all of us can agree with that. This time of year though, seems to be where the weight that was lost in the summer seems to creep back on again. It’s easy for that to happen. We’re inside more, we’re not always doing the same amount of physical activity and the month leading up to Christmas provides us with a lot of temptation. The problem with gaining the weight back again is that it’s going to be there in the spring and that’s when dieting usually comes back into play. So, there’s a few problems with that. The first problem is what dieting does to your body. Every time you diet, you’re running the risk of damaging your metabolism. Usually, the more you diet, the slower your metabolism becomes over time, making it harder to lose weight the next time. So not only is it harder to lose the weight the next time, but every time a woman loses and gains back the weight, feelings of lowered self-worth and shame come into play as well. Those are even harder to deal with the weight gain itself. The solution is to eat in a way that promotes health and weight loss at the same time. This takes the focus off of dieting, which is temporary, and allows for life’s indulgences along the way, without guilt or shame. I know how hard it can be to try to figure out how to eat in a way that helps you to lose weight. It’s confusing to walk into the grocery store and easy to get completely overwhelmed by all the different "healthy" choices and options. It’s hard to know how much food you should be eating and what to cook for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The money factor comes into play too. You might be worried about how much it will cost you to start cleaning up your diet and get rid of those cheap, processed meals that are just so darn convenient. You might even be afraid a "clean," whole foods diet will be tasteless and you'll have to sacrifice flavor and fun to lose weight and feel better. The thought of having to prep and cook healthy food every day while simultaneously taking care of your family, working and fulfilling all your daily responsibilities is sometimes too much. Those are valid reasons for not making a change. I want to tell you that making those changes does NOT have to be stressful, confusing, tasteless, hard, or expensive. To help you get started on your health and weight loss goals, I’m offering a pre-Black Friday Special on my 14-Day Body Reset. It’s only 14 days and it’s a great way of seeing if my way works before going all in. The 14 day Body Reset will show you just how simple, yummy, and satisfying clean eating truly is! So, if you want to go into this winter armed with the knowledge of how, when and what to eat, so you can lose weight this winter instead of gaining it, just click on the link below. 14-DAY BODY RESET Talk soon, May Anne xo Hi there!
For those of you who don't know me, my name is May Anne. I’m a holistic nutritionist, and my passion is working with women who want to lose weight naturally, by eating right, not less. I want to share with you 3 MINDSET STRATEGIES for successful weight loss. The FIRST STRATEGY is to get started. There will never be a ‘perfect’ time, and there will always be an excuse to put it off. The only time that’s ever going to seem like the perfect time is if there’s a major crises that brings everything important to your attention. Let’s not wait for that. If you’re unhappy with where you are right now, chances are, you’re going to be unhappy with where you are 6 months from now, if you continue to put it off. Don’t wait for the New Year to start making this a new day for you. Why not take one step in the right direction today. Long term success is a series of steps in the right direction. You don’t need to dread the upcoming holiday parties or go into 2018 with regrets. (Don't feel like reading? No worries, I've got you covered. Just watch the video above for the same content) The SECOND STRATEGY is to try something new. If diets worked, the diet industry would go broke. There’s a reason why it’s a billion dollar industry. Fads, pills and quick fixes are temporary and they’re damaging your metabolism, making it harder to lose weight the next time. Studies have found that 98% of people who lose weight gain it back again, and 90% of those gain back more than they originally lost. Plain and simple, diets set you up to fail. A better choice is to make a shift in the way you eat. Learn the basic fundamentals of eating healthy, give your body the nutrients it needs, fuel your body when it needs it and in doing so, you’ll balance your hormones and blood sugar, both of which have everything to do with lasting weight loss. TRY SOMETHING NEW! The THIRD STRATEGY is to get rid of old beliefs and ideas. Just because you learned to eat a certain way growing up, doesn’t mean it’s the right way. Most of the time, we do what we learned from growing up in our family home, and if our family members are healthy and fit, then what we learned is working, but if not, then maybe it’s time to open up to new beliefs and ideas. Basically, if what you’re doing isn’t giving you the results you want, then maybe it’s time to try something new. I believe that everyone is capable of living their life to their fullest potential. It IS possible to lose the weight for good, regardless of your previous experience. WHAT CAN YOU DO RIGHT NOW? If you haven’t signed up for my 5-Day Sugar-Free Challenge yet, I’ll include the link below. I’m offering it FREE right now, and it’s a great way to kick start weight loss by balancing your blood sugar and hormones and helping you to take charge of the cravings that could otherwise sabotage your weight loss goals. >>JOIN HERE: 5-Day Sugar-Free Challenge Make it even more fun and ask a friend to join you! Just send them the link below: If you have any questions or comments please leave them below, and I’ll make sure to reply. I’ll see you next time! May Anne xo With sugar addiction at an all-time high, I want to talk to you about why you need to avoid processed sugar.
You might be wondering What’s the Problem with Sugar? You probably haven't spent a ton of time wondering what happens to your body after you eat something sugary – it goes in there with all the rest of the food you consume and keeps you alive – end of story. Well, sugar is definitely needed to stay alive. Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy and play an important role in the functioning of the internal organs, the nervous system, and the muscles, but our systems do not need sugar in the quantity that we are used to. Before food processing, when sugar was mainly obtained from fruits and vegetables, people consumed about 30 grams per day of it. Today, an average American consumes 76 grams a day, which is about 19 teaspoons. That adds up to 96 pounds of sugar per year. Canadians consume slightly lower amounts at 88 pounds. The World Health Organization would like to see the number get down to 25 grams a day for both men and women (which would be 6¼ teaspoons). High amounts of sugar can wreak havoc on our immune systems, our hormones, and digestion. Some of the negative effects are premature aging, weight gain, fatigue, bone loss, mental fatigue, depression and it is a major contributing factor to diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. (Don't feel like reading? That's ok, I've got you covered. Watch the video above for the same content) How much sugar do you consume in a day? At first thought, you probably think, "not that much." Let's have a look, starting with breakfast. For example, you begin your day with a bagel with peanut butter and a small strawberry yogurt - for a total of 33 grams of sugar. At mid-morning you have a large cup of coffee from your favorite coffee shop (double/ double) - 34 grams of sugar. For lunch you decide to go easy on the calories, so you have a salad with Italian vinaigrette and a slice of whole wheat bread - that's another 14 grams of sugar. For an afternoon pick-me-up, you have a can of pop - 39 grams of sugar. And then for dinner, you have some pasta with grilled chicken and store-bought tomato sauce - that's 9 grams for the sauce and about 2 grams from the noodles. The GRAND TOTAL: 131 grams of sugar or 32 teaspoons (roughly ¾ of a cup)! That's an eye-opener for sure. Sugar is labeled as an addiction because it stimulates the brain in a way that is similar to cocaine and alcohol, causing the release of the feel-good chemicals dopamine and serotonin. When sugar is consumed in large quantities it has several effects:
I know how hard it is to quit refined sugar and you may be wondering where to even start. You might even be thinking it’s impossible to quit all sugar. The thing is, you don’t need to quit it all, but you do need to be aware of how to make better choices and how to reduce your sugar intake. To help you out, I want to offer you a Free 5-day Sugar-Free Challenge. It may be difficult to stay on track when the cravings hit – but I’ve provided emergency fixes and a very detailed and easy to follow meal plan and recipes. With some advanced planning, a trip to the grocery store and a positive attitude, you will come out the other side feeling great. Join the Free 5-day Sugar-Free Challenge HERE. Also, the number one change I made was switching out sugary breakfast foods (and foods that turn into sugar, which is anything made with processed flour like bagels, bread and muffins) was to switch to Juice Plus+ Complete® smoothies to start my day. Juice Plus+ Complete® is a whole-food-based beverage mix that provides balanced nutrition in every scoop. It has the nutrients, protein, and fibers of whole foods that keep me going all day long. Check them out HERE or send me a message for more information. |
AuthorAs a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, May Anne's passion is working with women who have lost themselves in the busyness of life and don't feel comfortable in their skin anymore. She uses a step-by-step program that includes nutrition and lifestyle strategies, along with coaching and support, leading them to feeling vibrant, energetic and confident in their skin, without dieting or spending hours in the kitchen. Archives
April 2020