While I don’t necessarily believe that a 2 or 3-day cleanse is going to solve all of our health problems, I do believe that dedicating a period of time to removing all processed, convenience foods that are void of nutrients from our diet and instead only choosing whole, live foods as close to nature as possible, is an extremely beneficial thing to do. Doing this allows our body to do what it was made to do, and that is to heal. Your body is actually pretty amazing and needs no help to heal, just no interference. The reason we eat the right foods and remove the harmful foods is so that you have less interference and your body can do what it was designed to do. When we don’t, we can start to feel really tired, bloated and just blaaahhh. We don’t feel our best and we can’t get up the energy to go for a family walk after dinner. We start to feel like we’re missing out on life and stuck in a rut. Even if we have the motivation or energy to buy healthy food to cook, by the time it comes to actually make dinner we just can’t muster up the energy to do it. This is where taking a dedicated period of time to remove all interference and give our bodies the nutrients they need can do wonders, to begin clearing out the junk and getting our energy back and feeling like ourselves again.
Although it may be hard to start, just know that you will feel so much better afterwards and let your ‘end goal’ keep you going. Cleansing requires a lot of motivation in order to achieve your goal as it might force you to alter your plans according to the times of cleansing or detoxification. In order to make sure that your desire to achieve your goal and your motivation to cleanse you should follow the steps mentioned below in order to overcome all the challenges that you might face:
Once you are on the road to success, make sure that you pen down all your memories and parts linked to the cleansing journey. It will help you relive all the moments again in future when you want to. Moreover, in future, if you plan to start the cleansing journey again it will help you to stay motivated and complete your struggle. The memories can also be shared with friends and family members, as you would be inspirational sources for them to start and achieve something out of the cleansing of their body. People tend to believe individuals who talk about results rather than other aspects that are not backed up by proofs. I used to be exhausted almost all day long, and I know how hard it is to work all day and then try to find the energy to make a healthy meal for the family or muster up the ambition to go out and do something after work. It can be so frustrating. What helped me is basically the framework of the 14-DAY BODY RESET. It was actually a life-saver for me because it helped me jumpstart a healthier lifestyle and from there I had the energy to make even more healthy changes. I believe it can be just what you need as well. The 14-DAY BODY RESET gives you a simple, done-for-you guide to healthy eating, and it’s a great kickstart to helping you make smarter food choices, regain your energy and start feeling like yourself again. Ready for your jumpstart into a healthier lifestyle? Click HERE. May Anne P.S. The 14-DAY BODY RESET could be the jumpstart you need to helping you make smarter food choices, regain your energy and start feeling like yourself again.
If I were to ask twenty women how many times their New Years resolution has been to lose weight, at least half of them would say “way too many.” If it's been more than one or two times for you, you are so not alone. Do you know what the Top 2 New Years Resolutions are? 1. Staying fit and healthy 2. Losing weight Did you also know that statistics show that over 90% of people who diet gain the weight back again? And over 95% of those GAIN BACK EVEN MORE WEIGHT than they lost. How disheartening. It’s no wonder that dieting is a billion dollar industry. People pay hundreds and thousands of dollars for quick fixes and temporary solutions involving injections, specialty shakes, counting calories, weighing food or counting points, and most of these can’t be maintained long-term and are damaging their health in the meantime. Admittedly, I used to be a calorie-counter myself, and would deprive myself of anything that tasted good in order to either lose weight or maintain. I thought that boring, bland diet food was the only way to go and felt guilty every time I had something that tasted good. The fact is, diets don't work - at least not long-term. They're not sustainable, which makes it almost impossible to maintain any weight loss, and they keep people coming back again and again. Also, the body gets full from nutrients, not calories. So this just blows the whole “counting calories” theory out the window. Obviously eating 22 almonds builds your brain, decreases inflammation and many other things, while eating a Twinkie increases inflammation and blood sugar and causes cravings for more of the same. Most people count down the days until they can get off their diet (and really, who can blame them!) because they feel restricted and deprived or it’s just too hard, and it doesn't work for everyday life. As soon as the diet is over, they fall back into familiar patterns and all of the weight creeps back on again. To make matters worse, each time a person diets they run the risk of damaging their metabolism, making harder and harder to lose weight the next time (it’s not just your age that makes losing weight harder, it’s the repeated years of dieting.) Each time they gain back the weight, the confidence level takes another hit, which makes it even harder to try again. That’s when the mentality of “I just can’t do this, it’s too hard for me. Everybody else can, but I can’t” settles in. If this is your experience, the thing is, IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT. You've just never learned how to do it properly. What you need is to learn how to work with your body, and not against it. There are a few very important pieces to the puzzle that dieting doesn’t include and they are:
Without doing these things, it will be next to impossible to lose weight and keep it off. If you’ve dieted in the past, chances are your metabolism is damaged and your hormones and blood sugar are out of whack, and until they’re brought back into balance, trying to lose weight will be a never-ending battle. If this is a struggle that you’re experiencing, and you keep doing things the same way you’re doing them now, you’re going to be in the exact same position this time next year making yet another New Years Resolution to either lose weight or get healthy. I don’t want that for you and it doesn’t have to be that way. If your goal for 2019 is to either get fit and healthy or lose weight, then I have a different solution for you - one that will bring more freedom into your life. THE SLIM DOWN PROGRAM My passion is helping women say goodbye to rabbit food, restrictions and dieting and instead, learn to use food to fuel their metabolism and enhance their energy levels, so they can lose fat, become healthier, and feel amazing. The SLIM DOWN PROGRAM is the same way I've been eating for years. It allows for everyday living because it’s simple and completely do-able (and it allows for life’s indulgences, without the guilt or shame.) It's a win-win! If you're ready to make 2019 the year that you stop dieting for good and instead, discover the metabolic boosting foods that balance hormones, level blood sugar and help you drop the weight, without having to count calories or spend hours in the kitchen click HERE. My SLIM DOWN PROGRAM is now open for registration, with an Early Bird Special UNTIL TUESDAY AT MIDNIGHT.
Please share this with anyone else who might like to never make dieting their New Years Resolution again! Until next time, May Anne Click HERE to sign up or for more information on my SLIM DOWN PROGRAM. Wow - 2018 is gone and 2019 is here! As I get older, it’s crazy how much faster time seems to go by. Do you notice that too? For me, 2018 has been a year of trials and challenges as well as a year of overcoming and growth. Not too unexpected for someone who has become an entrepreneur for the first time in their lives just two short years ago, right? Someone said to me several months back that owning your own business is more about personal growth, overcoming personal limitations, as well as discovering who “you” really are deep down inside, than anything else. I wholeheartedly agree! I can’t even begin to express the ups and downs and tears and cheers that I’ve experienced in 2018. Through it all though, and regardless of which direction my business takes this year, I’m grateful for every tear, every challenge, every fear and every frustration from this past year, because all of these has helped me to become more authentic, more real and has helped me to discover more of what I really want (and what I don’t want!) As you take some time to reflect back on the past 365 days, what would you say were your biggest lessons, your biggest accomplishments and your biggest realizations? Even if you didn’t accomplish everything you hoped for at the beginning of 2018 (aka your new years resolution), what else did you accomplish? Did you take some steps to get closer to your goals or remove or add something to your life to make it better? In my opinion it’s more helpful to look at what helped move us forward than what we “didn’t do.” In other words, to stop beating ourselves up for what we didn’t accomplish and instead give ourselves a pat on the back for the steps forward that we did take. Also - big thanks for being here. Thanks for attending a workshop, or downloading my guides or opening my emails. Thanks for buying a program or working with me one to one. I keep showing up because I absolutely love helping women say goodbye to dieting, restrictions and rabbit food and instead learn to use food to fuel their metabolism, so they can lose fat, become healthier and feel amazing. As I was browsing through my Costco magazine last week I came across “Four tips to make your resolutions work" from Tim Pychyl, associate professor of psychology at Carleton University in Ottawa. They resonated with me and I’ll share them with you here:
I shared these with you because they really resonate with me and these are all things I express to my clients all the time. So, when you’re making your resolutions for 2019 (if you’re a resolution-maker, that is), my advice is to keep these 4 tips in mind and to also picture the outcome of what you want (see it in your minds eye) and also figure out 'WHY' you want it. Be clear on it. It has to resonate with you deeply, otherwise you’ll allow yourself to get swooped off course way to easily. And if you’re like the majority of resolution-makers out there, there’s a good chance your resolution for 2019 is to either:
Those are the top two resolutions I hear from people. If you are either 1 or 2 above, then I want to help you get a head-start on your goals. I’m going to be running a FREE 5-DAY SUGAR-FREE CHALLENGE in my private Facebook Group “NUTRITION AND LIFESTYLE STRATEGIES FOR WOMEN” starting on Monday, January 7th. This challenge is the perfect first step to your resolution because it will help you with your willpower! WHY DO THE 5-DAY SUGAR-FREE CHALLENGE? Well, willpower is one of the biggest obstacles I see from women who want to lose weight and then thing is, willpower will NOT WIN against a blood sugar imbalance! Most of us are walking around with one without even realizing it (because sugar is added to almost everything, and sugar creates cravings for more sugar!) Eliminating sugar for even 5 days helps us to bring our blood sugar back into balance and to see what life is like without sugar behind the steering wheel, controlling our food choices. Once we’ve completed the 5-DAY SUGAR-FREE CHALLENGE, we can introduce healthier sweeteners and make better choices, so we can reach our health and weight loss goals much more easily – without the cravings for sugar and carbs calling the shots! Join me HERE. Share the Challenge with a friend!! - it's more fun that way plus you can hold each other accountable! Also, a heads up that my "Group Online" SLIM DOWN PROGRAM will be opening up for registration in a few short weeks, and my "In-Person" SLIM DOWN PROGRAM is already open for registration at Peterborough Maximized Living. Both programs will start on Monday, January 21st. So, if you’re ready to make 2019 the year of saying goodbye to rabbit food, restrictions and dieting and instead learn to use food to fuel your metabolism, so you can lose fat, become healthier and feel amazing then reply to this email and ask me to hold your spot for the Online Program or call 705-741-4404 to join the In-Person Program at Peterborough Maximized Living. If you have any questions about either, simply reply to this email. Be brave in 2019. Take risks. Be more committed than you ever have been. And have fun! Until next time, May Anne As soon as people enter the diet world, they’re usually taught the simplistic notion that input versus output is the key to weight loss. That basically, you must burn off more than you eat.
Sounds reasonable enough, right? I’ve met a lot of women like this, and in all honesty, I believed this myself for years and spent most of my grade 11 year nibbling on bits of lettuce and hardly anything else. The problem with most diets out there is that they result in people being half-starved with metabolisms crawling along at a snail’s pace. So now, this notion of eating less and doing more doesn’t apply. In fact, it’s this concept that has put so many people in this situation in the first place. They’re denying their bodies the calories and nutrients they need in an effort to shed those pounds and not only does it not usually work, at least, not long-term, they’re often hungry, tired and irritable in the process. You see, studies show that the vast majority of people (mostly women) who lose weight on a diet gain it all back within 5 years. This is why the diet industry alone is worth BILLIONS. If it actually worked, there would be no money in it. So what does work? Learning how to actually eat, so you can tune out the massive dieting industry and stop buying into diets, pills and potions and start actually feeling good and enjoying food again! I want to help you understand how this works. Continued calorie-restricting causes your metabolic rate to slooooow down. The metabolic rate is the rate at which your body burns calories for energy. When you’re in an extended state of calorie-restriction, your body goes into survival mode and stores incoming calories (since it thinks it’s starving and wants to save every last calorie for survival, instead of using up your fuel for all your bodily functions.) This is a lose-lose situation. When we’re under prolonged calorie restriction, many basic biological functions also slow or shut down, and we end up with compromised immune function, and that can lead to not being able to fight off infections and viruses, or being able to filter toxins from the body, and low energy. I get it. We believe this is the way to go because they’ve seen so many other people do it. But it never lasts and it’s not sustainable! This concept is so widespread, yet it’s dangerous. If you continue with cutting calories, then you are causing more damage to your body. In other words, the more you ‘diet’ the more damage you are doing to your body and it will get harder and harder to lose weight the more you do it. Having the knowledge, or the tools as I like to call them, about the right way to eat means you can avoid “dieting” and all the negative aspects that go along with it. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never met a happy person on a diet! Once you understand the powerful effect food has on the body it can help you reach your goals without dangerously cutting calories. You won't be able to lose weight long-term without these things:
So remember, cutting calories is not the answer to long-term weight loss. Ready to ditch the dieting, restrictions and rabbit food and instead lose weight while becoming healthier AND feel amazing? Awesome. Send me a message here. May Anne xo Admittedly, I used to have a love/hate relationship with exercise, but I’ve actually come to enjoy it now and that is because I choose to do exercises that I enjoy, and I leave the rest. (Don't feel like reading? No worries - just watch the video above!) Really, a lot of my exercise comes from daily movement and isn’t just for the sole purpose of working out. By that I mean, I take my son to the park and we play baseball or soccer, I go for family hikes, I take my dog out for walks, and I even make my house cleaning into a workout! (Can you picture me doing squats as I clean the shower walls?) Some of my body movements are from actual intentional exercise but a lot of it is from just being intentional about getting my body moving with things I enjoy! It’s important to understand WHY exercise is an essential component of healthy living or weight loss program, and HOW it will increase its effectiveness by helping you to tone up, strengthen your bones and speed up your metabolism, which will help you to lose weight more quickly. While 80% of weight loss is what we eat, exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle and plays a really important role in weight loss as well. Benefits of Exercise:
You don’t have to join a gym or buy fancy equipment. Incorporating movement into your daily living is easier and less complicated than you might think. Getting your body moving four to five days per week for at least 30 minutes will do wonders. As I mentioned earlier, finding something you enjoy is key. If you don’t enjoy it, you won’t stick with it. You can start small and gradually increase the time and intensity. The picture below features one of my absolute favourite ways to get my body moving - hiking in nature with my family (this was during our summer vacation in Gaspe, Quebec last month.) When I hike, I get it all - fresh air, sunshine, exercise, nature AND time with my family - Bonus! Here are some other great ideas:
The main thing is to find something you enjoy – so you stick with it! You also want to choose some weight-bearing exercises to strengthen your bones. A benefit to this is lean muscle mass speeds up your metabolism, which helps with weight loss. Even after your workout is over, you’ll continue to burn calories because of the increase in muscle. If you’re worried about looking bulky – don’t. Basically, if you can lift the weight you’re using 10 times in a row, you’re only going to tone your muscles and not bulk up. Here’s your ACTION TASK: Choose an activity (or more than one) from the list above, or use your own ideas, and get your body moving 2 days this week. You’re going to gradually increase that to at least 4 days/week. If you’re like me, you’ll need to schedule it in your agenda, and give it the same level of importance (or higher!) as paying the bills. Whenever we do something for ourselves, for some reason, it’s the first thing that gets set aside when anything seemingly more important comes up. Do you see this happening in your life? If so, make sure you read this blog post about why it's essential to put yourself on your to-do list. So, expect that to happen and when you see that happening, take note of it, and make sure you rearrange your schedule so that exercise and the time needed to prepare your foods is a priority. You’re worth it and when you take the time to take care of yourself everyone around you benefits. When you feel better about yourself and you’re giving your body and mind what they need physically, emotionally and nutritionally, others are going to notice a shift in your mood and your attitude and it’s going to affect your relationships for the better. After you watch this video (or read this post), I want you to share in the comments below what exercises you’re choosing to get your body moving this week! Until next time, May Anne xo Now that we’re full-blown into summer, let’s talk about summer weight gain.
You likely spent the winter working hard and if not, definitely the spring because summer was right around the corner and you wanted to look good. You exercised consistently, you were careful to eat more healthy foods and you watched your portion sizes. Why? So you would look great at the lake and have plenty of energy to enjoy summer. Everyone wants to greet summer with a healthy, toned body. But summer, in spite of all the fun and relaxation it brings, can be tricky and can deal us a cruel blow when it comes to our health and fitness. Do you tend to notice the scale creeping up part-way through summer? If so, you’re not alone. Summer is a very easy time to overindulge and pick up those pounds that you shed during the winter months. No doubt that’s not what you want. Remember that bad habits creep in slowly. Perhaps you’re skipping your workouts a couple days each week, because ‘You have so much to do.’ Or maybe you’ve been indulging in unhealthy food or drinks a little more frequently when you are with friends. It happens-little by little. It happens one small choice at a time. Unfortunately, those choices add up fast. If this tends to happen to you every summer, there are some things you can do to save yourself this summer. Really! There’s no reason to let another summer pass by leaving you with guilt and feeling embarrassed to strut your stuff in your bathing suit by the end of August. You can keep yourself looking awesome all summer long. Here are a few common reasons that people gain weight in the summer and how to remedy them:
Don’t let the summer festivities undo all the hard work you’ve done to get you where you are right now. It’s not about taking the fun out of summer, it’s about making the best possible choice with whatever circumstance you’re in. If you find that you’re struggling with trying to eat healthy while you’re on the go, grab my Healthy Eating On the go guide for free HERE, and if you know other busy, on the go people that would enjoy this video, please share it! If there's a topic that you would like to hear more about, please let me know in the comments below. I always personally reply. Until next time, May Anne xo Do You Know What Insulin Resistance and Summer Have in Common?
Plenty, it turns out, and it has everything to do with what you’re eating this summer. Even though summer brings with it an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, making it easier to eat healthy, it also brings added risks. What could taste better during the lazy, hazy days of summer than fruity cocktails and rich ice cream? Unfortunately, these are the foods that can spell danger for your blood sugar level. The few minutes of pleasure that you derive from those cold, sugary treats can pave the way for decades of chronic illness, as well as weight gain. I'm going to get a bit science-y here for a minute and talk about Blood Sugar Basics. When you eat sugary treats, your blood sugar levels rise. Your blood sugar level is a measure of how much sugar or glucose is circulating in your bloodstream. Too much glucose in your blood is dangerous, so your body works hard to lower the levels. It does this by releasing insulin, a hormone which enables your cells to absorb the excess glucose. The danger comes when you continue eating too much sugar, because your body responds by producing more and more insulin. Too much insulin trains your cells to become resistant to insulin, and this is called insulin resistance. The net effect is that it then takes more and more insulin to make your cells remove the glucose from your blood. When this happens, your blood sugar levels stay elevated, your insulin levels stay elevated and you develop pre-diabetes. Along with the risk of diabetes comes weight gain, cravings for more sugar and carbs, as well as mood imbalances. Still want that ice cream? I know, me, too. ;-) Moderation is the Key. Don’t panic. This doesn’t mean that you can never indulge in a sugary treat again. What it means is that you need to be smart about the amount you eat and how you eat it. Have you ever heard of the glycemic index? It is simply a way of categorizing foods according to their effects on the level of glucose in your blood. A food with a high glycemic index will cause more glucose to build up than will a food with a low glycemic index. In order to control your blood sugar levels, it is helpful to eat lots of foods with a low glycemic index. And if you eat foods with a high glycemic index, be sure to pair them with low glycemic foods in order to slow the effect on your blood sugar. High glycemic foods include white flour, white sugar, white rice, and even big, white potatoes. Low glycemic foods are foods that have lots of fiber and protein. These would include beans, whole grains, lean proteins and nuts. Simply being aware of the glycemic index will help you eat in a way that reduces the stress on your body. If you are going to have an ice cream treat, make sure you eat it at the end of a meal that contains low glycemic foods. So this summer, have an occasional treat, but be sure it is occasional...seriously. ;-) Your body will thank you! A great trick that I've been using this summer is brewing a pot of citrus-flavoured herbal tea and then chilling it in the fridge in place of regular iced tea! If you prefer some sweetness, just add some honey while it's still hot. Want tips for eating healthy while on the go? Download "THE BUSY WOMAN'S GUIDE TO HEALTHY EATING ON THE GO." It's FREE! Grab your FREE GUIDE HERE. Until next time, May Anne xo Let's talk about diet food, and why it’s keeping people overweight, tired and moody. Now before I get started I want to tell you that I used to fall for the diet food trap as well. I used to look for products that said “diet, lite, zero percent fat or low-fat.”
(Don't feel like reading? Watch the video above - it contains the same information) In the past, you would never catch me buying full-fat anything! All my salad dressing were lite, my cheese slices, my yogourt was zero percent fat. When I had a salad I would have all veggies and no protein or fat because in my mind, that would make me fat. I had believed that this would help me to maintain my weight or help me to lose a few pounds when I had gained a bit. What I couldn’t figure out at the time was why I was so tired all the time I was moody, irritable and anxious and by the time the evening rolled around I was cravings carbs and junk food. I wanted chips, candy, pizza, cookies, you name it, I craved it. I was constantly relying on willpower to resist eating more, and ultimately the willpower would fail and I would feel like I was just not strong enough. Every afternoon around 2 o'clock, I felt like crawling my desk and taking a nap. By the time I left work and picked my son up from daycare and made dinner, I was usually too tired to do anything else. And then I would feel guilty because I hadn’t spent any time having fun with my son. And when I did force myself anyway, I really had to drag my butt to do it. Years later, after studying nutrition, I realized why everything I was doing was not working for me, and that eating these ‘diet’ foods, was setting me up to fail and creating a blood sugar imbalance. Diet foods are usually highly processed and mostly simple carbohydrate based and almost always sugar is added to compensate for the fat being taken away, because it would taste horrible otherwise! High carbs and low fat are a bad combination when it to weight loss and your health. It’s impossible to feel good, have energy and a balanced mood when you’re relying on diet foods. It’s no wonder my willpower could not win against this. I was fighting against blood sugar issues caused by eating mostly simple carbohydrates, and not enough healthy fats and protein. When you team willpower against a blood sugar imbalance, willpower will lose every single time. I realized that my lack of willpower was not all my fault. And if you’re stuck in a cycle of craving carbs and feeling like it’s just too hard to make the food choices you want to make and that you’re not strong enough, it’s not your fault either. There’s a good chance that you’re fighting against blood sugar issues as well, caused by eating too many simple carbohydrates. I really had thought I was making good choices when I would have just lettuce and veggies with a light salad dressing for my lunch, however, I wasn’t getting the proper balance of nutrients my body needed and always felt hungry shortly afterwards. And then of course the energy crash a few hours later, the resulting cravings for more carbs, and ultimately giving in to grabbing a muffin or a bagel or something sweet to pick me up. Getting off the blood sugar roller coaster and making sure that that every meal and snack that I eat has a balance of protein, fats and carbs was a game-changer for me, and when I don’t, my body will let me know with either cravings, tiredness or feeling irritable. So I encourage you to ditch the diet foods, and instead reach for foods that are real, whole foods as close to nature as possible. Include healthy fats and proteins with every meal, so you can easily say no to the foods that are keeping you stuck in yo-yo dieting, have more energy, and a more balanced mood. One of the biggest challenges for most of, is trying to eat healthy when you’re on the go. When you’re playing chauffeur for your kids many activities, after you’ve been working all day. To help you out, I’ve created a guide to make it easier to still eat healthy when you’re the go, so you don’t have to rely on fast food that will keep you keep you from your goals. Download your FREE HEALTHY EATING ON THE GO GUIDE HERE. Until next time, May Anne xo Water is one of our most important nutrients (and it might seem kind of boring, but it's actually my favourite drink!)
I know it seems like such a simple thing, but drinking enough water can easily become overlooked for people who aren’t used to drinking water regularly, and they can be easily become dehydrated. Paying attention to daily water intake is important and might take some pre-planning if it’s not something you’re used to doing. Try to prevent even mild levels of dehydration as even being slightly under-hydrated can impede our daily performance. The following symptoms may indicate even just a mild hydration:
Here are just a few of water’s many benefits and functions:
Urine output and sweating make up your greatest fluid loss, but other ways fluid is lost is in feces, through exposure to humid or warm air and when you exhale. Don’t rely on thirst alone as an indicator to drink water because you are already slightly dehydrated by that time. A good tip is to aim to drink on a schedule of 1 cup every hour. An easy way to monitor your hydration levels is to check the colour of your urine. Great news if your urine is clear or pale yellow! That means you are adequately hydrated, but if your urine is darker like apple juice, you need to increase your water intake. If you are eating A LOT of fresh fruit and veggies then that also counts towards your water intake, but if you’re eating a lot of processed, boxed foods or eating out at restaurants often, then you need to increase your water intake to help flush the extra toxins out of your system. If you find plain water too bland or boring, here are a few helpful ways of upping your water intake:
Personally, I take my water canteen with me everywhere I go and sip water all throughout the day. Comment below - are you currently a water drinker? Yay or Nay? If 'Yay,' what are your best ways of remembering to drink enough? Until next time, May Anne When I work with clients in my programs, one of the first things we start with is a kitchen cleanout, and the reason we do this is to get rid of the foods that are not only harmful to your health but will tempt you and make it harder to lose weight.
We then focus on replacing them with foods that will nourish your health and bring you closer to your goals. (If you don't feel like reading, just click PLAY on the video above. It contains the same information!) It’s really important to understand that having the proper foods available, and removing the foods that get in the way of your goals, is essential for success. Sugar is a huge one and anyone who’s been listening to me for any length of time knows this. Excess sugar gets stored as fat and it also causes our insulin receptors to become burned out, which can result in diabetes. Sugar also creates cravings for more sugar. Something to remember as well is that refined grains turn into sugar in your body. These are things like bread, pasta, white rice…anything made with flour. So remember that when you eat those things, they’re getting turned into sugar in your body and they’re getting stored as fat if you’re not burning them off right away. If you take a look at your condiments like ketchup, mustard, stir-fry sauces and salad dressing, sugar is almost always in them. A lot of times it’s disguised under names you don’t recognize, so it takes a bit of a detective work, but basically, if you’re buying your condiments from the regular aisles in the grocery store chances are, they contain hidden sources of sugar, sodium and unhealthy fat. All of these make it harder to lose weight. It’s important to start reading the ingredients on the labels. You want to look for a minimal amount of ingredients on the label. The less, the better. You can always dress the food up when you get home. Avoid ingredients you can’t pronounce because they were probably made in a lab somewhere. Buy more foods that don’t have labels, because what you see is what you get. Examples are fruits and vegetables. Remember that just because something says it’s healthy on the label, doesn’t mean that it is. Sugar could still be the first ingredient when companies make these boisterous claims. Once you get into the habit of reading labels, it will quickly become a habit and you’ll know what to look for. Items that say low in fat, lite, low-calorie doesn’t make them healthy. We want to avoid these. These often have added sugar or flavour enhancers that cause weight gain. We need the fat anyways. It keeps us fuller longer. I want to make it super easy for you to start reducing sugar in your diet, so you can get closer to your goals. All you have to do is click HERE for my FREE 5-DAY SUGAR-FREE CHALLENGE, so you can be armed with the knowledge to reduce sugar from your diet, without giving up all sweets. As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this video so feel free to post in the comments! I’ll see you next time. May Anne PS. Remember to grab my FREE 5-DAY SUGAR-FREE CHALLENGE, so you can start reducing the sugar in your diet and reducing your waistline! |
AuthorAs a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, May Anne's passion is working with women who have lost themselves in the busyness of life and don't feel comfortable in their skin anymore. She uses a step-by-step program that includes nutrition and lifestyle strategies, along with coaching and support, leading them to feeling vibrant, energetic and confident in their skin, without dieting or spending hours in the kitchen. Archives
April 2020