If I were to ask twenty women how many times their New Years resolution has been to lose weight, at least half of them would say “way too many.” If it's been more than one or two times for you, you are so not alone. Do you know what the Top 2 New Years Resolutions are? 1. Staying fit and healthy 2. Losing weight Did you also know that statistics show that over 90% of people who diet gain the weight back again? And over 95% of those GAIN BACK EVEN MORE WEIGHT than they lost. How disheartening. It’s no wonder that dieting is a billion dollar industry. People pay hundreds and thousands of dollars for quick fixes and temporary solutions involving injections, specialty shakes, counting calories, weighing food or counting points, and most of these can’t be maintained long-term and are damaging their health in the meantime. Admittedly, I used to be a calorie-counter myself, and would deprive myself of anything that tasted good in order to either lose weight or maintain. I thought that boring, bland diet food was the only way to go and felt guilty every time I had something that tasted good. The fact is, diets don't work - at least not long-term. They're not sustainable, which makes it almost impossible to maintain any weight loss, and they keep people coming back again and again. Also, the body gets full from nutrients, not calories. So this just blows the whole “counting calories” theory out the window. Obviously eating 22 almonds builds your brain, decreases inflammation and many other things, while eating a Twinkie increases inflammation and blood sugar and causes cravings for more of the same. Most people count down the days until they can get off their diet (and really, who can blame them!) because they feel restricted and deprived or it’s just too hard, and it doesn't work for everyday life. As soon as the diet is over, they fall back into familiar patterns and all of the weight creeps back on again. To make matters worse, each time a person diets they run the risk of damaging their metabolism, making harder and harder to lose weight the next time (it’s not just your age that makes losing weight harder, it’s the repeated years of dieting.) Each time they gain back the weight, the confidence level takes another hit, which makes it even harder to try again. That’s when the mentality of “I just can’t do this, it’s too hard for me. Everybody else can, but I can’t” settles in. If this is your experience, the thing is, IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT. You've just never learned how to do it properly. What you need is to learn how to work with your body, and not against it. There are a few very important pieces to the puzzle that dieting doesn’t include and they are:
Without doing these things, it will be next to impossible to lose weight and keep it off. If you’ve dieted in the past, chances are your metabolism is damaged and your hormones and blood sugar are out of whack, and until they’re brought back into balance, trying to lose weight will be a never-ending battle. If this is a struggle that you’re experiencing, and you keep doing things the same way you’re doing them now, you’re going to be in the exact same position this time next year making yet another New Years Resolution to either lose weight or get healthy. I don’t want that for you and it doesn’t have to be that way. If your goal for 2019 is to either get fit and healthy or lose weight, then I have a different solution for you - one that will bring more freedom into your life. THE SLIM DOWN PROGRAM My passion is helping women say goodbye to rabbit food, restrictions and dieting and instead, learn to use food to fuel their metabolism and enhance their energy levels, so they can lose fat, become healthier, and feel amazing. The SLIM DOWN PROGRAM is the same way I've been eating for years. It allows for everyday living because it’s simple and completely do-able (and it allows for life’s indulgences, without the guilt or shame.) It's a win-win! If you're ready to make 2019 the year that you stop dieting for good and instead, discover the metabolic boosting foods that balance hormones, level blood sugar and help you drop the weight, without having to count calories or spend hours in the kitchen click HERE. My SLIM DOWN PROGRAM is now open for registration, with an Early Bird Special UNTIL TUESDAY AT MIDNIGHT.
Please share this with anyone else who might like to never make dieting their New Years Resolution again! Until next time, May Anne Click HERE to sign up or for more information on my SLIM DOWN PROGRAM.
Wow - 2018 is gone and 2019 is here! As I get older, it’s crazy how much faster time seems to go by. Do you notice that too? For me, 2018 has been a year of trials and challenges as well as a year of overcoming and growth. Not too unexpected for someone who has become an entrepreneur for the first time in their lives just two short years ago, right? Someone said to me several months back that owning your own business is more about personal growth, overcoming personal limitations, as well as discovering who “you” really are deep down inside, than anything else. I wholeheartedly agree! I can’t even begin to express the ups and downs and tears and cheers that I’ve experienced in 2018. Through it all though, and regardless of which direction my business takes this year, I’m grateful for every tear, every challenge, every fear and every frustration from this past year, because all of these has helped me to become more authentic, more real and has helped me to discover more of what I really want (and what I don’t want!) As you take some time to reflect back on the past 365 days, what would you say were your biggest lessons, your biggest accomplishments and your biggest realizations? Even if you didn’t accomplish everything you hoped for at the beginning of 2018 (aka your new years resolution), what else did you accomplish? Did you take some steps to get closer to your goals or remove or add something to your life to make it better? In my opinion it’s more helpful to look at what helped move us forward than what we “didn’t do.” In other words, to stop beating ourselves up for what we didn’t accomplish and instead give ourselves a pat on the back for the steps forward that we did take. Also - big thanks for being here. Thanks for attending a workshop, or downloading my guides or opening my emails. Thanks for buying a program or working with me one to one. I keep showing up because I absolutely love helping women say goodbye to dieting, restrictions and rabbit food and instead learn to use food to fuel their metabolism, so they can lose fat, become healthier and feel amazing. As I was browsing through my Costco magazine last week I came across “Four tips to make your resolutions work" from Tim Pychyl, associate professor of psychology at Carleton University in Ottawa. They resonated with me and I’ll share them with you here:
I shared these with you because they really resonate with me and these are all things I express to my clients all the time. So, when you’re making your resolutions for 2019 (if you’re a resolution-maker, that is), my advice is to keep these 4 tips in mind and to also picture the outcome of what you want (see it in your minds eye) and also figure out 'WHY' you want it. Be clear on it. It has to resonate with you deeply, otherwise you’ll allow yourself to get swooped off course way to easily. And if you’re like the majority of resolution-makers out there, there’s a good chance your resolution for 2019 is to either:
Those are the top two resolutions I hear from people. If you are either 1 or 2 above, then I want to help you get a head-start on your goals. I’m going to be running a FREE 5-DAY SUGAR-FREE CHALLENGE in my private Facebook Group “NUTRITION AND LIFESTYLE STRATEGIES FOR WOMEN” starting on Monday, January 7th. This challenge is the perfect first step to your resolution because it will help you with your willpower! WHY DO THE 5-DAY SUGAR-FREE CHALLENGE? Well, willpower is one of the biggest obstacles I see from women who want to lose weight and then thing is, willpower will NOT WIN against a blood sugar imbalance! Most of us are walking around with one without even realizing it (because sugar is added to almost everything, and sugar creates cravings for more sugar!) Eliminating sugar for even 5 days helps us to bring our blood sugar back into balance and to see what life is like without sugar behind the steering wheel, controlling our food choices. Once we’ve completed the 5-DAY SUGAR-FREE CHALLENGE, we can introduce healthier sweeteners and make better choices, so we can reach our health and weight loss goals much more easily – without the cravings for sugar and carbs calling the shots! Join me HERE. Share the Challenge with a friend!! - it's more fun that way plus you can hold each other accountable! Also, a heads up that my "Group Online" SLIM DOWN PROGRAM will be opening up for registration in a few short weeks, and my "In-Person" SLIM DOWN PROGRAM is already open for registration at Peterborough Maximized Living. Both programs will start on Monday, January 21st. So, if you’re ready to make 2019 the year of saying goodbye to rabbit food, restrictions and dieting and instead learn to use food to fuel your metabolism, so you can lose fat, become healthier and feel amazing then reply to this email and ask me to hold your spot for the Online Program or call 705-741-4404 to join the In-Person Program at Peterborough Maximized Living. If you have any questions about either, simply reply to this email. Be brave in 2019. Take risks. Be more committed than you ever have been. And have fun! Until next time, May Anne |
AuthorAs a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, May Anne's passion is working with women who have lost themselves in the busyness of life and don't feel comfortable in their skin anymore. She uses a step-by-step program that includes nutrition and lifestyle strategies, along with coaching and support, leading them to feeling vibrant, energetic and confident in their skin, without dieting or spending hours in the kitchen. Archives
April 2020