Statistically speaking, by this time (the end of January), most people (80% actually) have already thrown their New Year’s Resolutions out the window. Crazy, right?
That’s a lot of ditched and thwarted hopes and dreams. Doesn’t make a person feel very good to think that they failed. Can I just say, that if this is you, and your resolution was to lose weight...that it’s not your fault. Not likely, anyways. You probably just didn’t have the proper tools to set you up for success. If you’re relying on the same old same old, then you will continue to get the same old results. The fact is, dieting has failure written right into it. Diets aren’t sustainable and they don’t last. Lifestyle changes, however, do work. They’re made to be sustainable and they’re made to set you up for success - lifetime success! Can I get a heck yes! My job - no, my PASSION, in life is to set people up for lifetime success with their health and weight loss goals. No more guilt, shame, blame or lowered self-esteem from failing at yet another diet. YOU are NOT the failure - the DIET IS. There are a few very important pieces to the puzzle that dieting doesn’t include and that is eating in a way that balances hormones and blood sugar and reducing cravings. Without doing that, it will be next to impossible to lose weight and keep it off. If you’ve dieted in the past, chances are your metabolism is damaged and your hormones and blood sugar are out of whack, and until they’re brought back into balance, trying to lose weight will be a never-ending battle. If this is a struggle that you’re experiencing, and you keep doing things the same way you’re doing them now, you’re probably going to be in the exact same position this time next year. “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” This is one of my favourite quotes, because it’s so true. So what’s different about how I do things? I teach people to stop dieting and instead to use food as fuel for their bodies, so that food works WITH their bodies instead of AGAINST their bodies. The result? They’re able to lose weight more easily, their hormones and blood sugar are brought back into balance, their cravings are reduced, they have more energy, their moods are more balanced and they’ve reduced inflammation. They’re overall health is improved as a result. If you want to find out more about what I do and how I can help you achieve your health and weight loss goals, send me an email HERE. I offer a 15-minute complimentary Discovery Call, where we would discuss the best options for you and to see if we would be a good fit! Until next time, May Anne
We've all heard of MSG, or Monosodium Glutamate, and I think it's something we don't really give a lot of thought to- I know I didn't for the longest time. However, there are BIG reasons why I think we should.
MSG is a salt that is chemically converted into a flavour enhancer. It’s found in almost all popular processed foods, fast foods and restaurant foods, and research has shown that it causes weight gain and obesity by causing damage to the area of the brain that is in charge of the appetite regulation, known as the hypothalamus. This causes leptin resistance. Leptin is the hormone that controls how much a person feels like eating. When MSG is consumed, the fullness and satisfaction that come from having eaten is completely lost, leading to an urge to eat that never stops. MSG is added to over 80% of boxed, canned, processed foods and restaurant foods, and is disguised under many names. What is does is, it supercharges the taste of food, but not in the way you would think. You know how food can make you feel so good sometimes? MSG operates on the brain and it tricks it into thinking food tastes really great. It gives you a drug-like rush that provides a brief sensation of well being. It’s highly addictive, which causes people to keep coming back for more, and they end up overeating. MSG is a huge factor in the epidemic of obesity because of its effect on leptin. In fact, when researchers want to fatten up lab rats for experiments, they feed them MSG. Just google “msg to make mice gain weight.” Researchers have proven that MSG destroys the hard wiring in the brain of a rat like it does in the brain of a person. So knowing all this, why do corporations sell food that contains MSG? Because it makes cheap ingredients taste great and it keeps people coming back for more. The way MSG causes a person to gain weight is this...When you ingest MSG, your body tries to protect you from it, and it does this by adding fat stores in an effort to trap the MSG. The catch is, your body WILL NOT release those fat stores as long as you continue consuming MSG. The only way to release the fat is to stop consuming foods containing MSG and anything that your body can’t properly metabolize. The best way to avoid MSG is by buying whole foods and preparing them at home and adding your own spices and herbs. The next best thing is to become an expert at label reading and knowing the various disguises that is used for MSG. Even terms like spice and natural flavor can mean the presence of MSG. The term MSG is rarely seen listed on a food label, but it’s likely there in a disguised form. I created a Facebook and Instagram post on this the other day and listed 30 names that MSG can hide under. I want to make it easier for you to make the switch over to clean eating. I know not everyone has the time to figure this all out on their own. Life is busy, I get it. Because nutrition is my job, I’ve done the heavy lifting for you. I want to help you take the guesswork out of learning how to eat clean, so you can save time and energy from trying to figure it out on your own. My 14-Day Body Reset is family friendly and includes everything you need to make the switch to clean eating in an easy to follow, step by step manner and even includes recipes and meal plans the whole family can follow. If you’re ready to ditch the processed foods and make the switch to eating real, whole foods, check out the link HERE. Until next time, May Anne Let's talk about a widely misunderstood topic, and that is supplementing with vitamins and minerals. Should we do it and what kind should we use?
I used to be under the impression that if I ate my fruits and vegetables, got enough rest, drank enough water and exercised regularly that I shouldn’t really need to take a supplemental form of vitamins and minerals. The more I learned though, the more I came to understand that there are a few powerful reasons why most of us need to take dietary supplements if we want to be healthy and strong and able to fight off sickness and disease, regardless of how healthy our lifestyle may be. Let me begin by saying that relying on supplements alone cannot replace a bad diet. Let me repeat that, relying on supplements alone cannot replace a bad diet. What supplements can do though is fill in the gaps in your diet. Most of us, myself included, have gaps in our diet that need to be filled in, and not all of this is our fault. I believe in using food for nutrition first and foremost. That should be our primary source of nutrients. Food, in its whole form, untreated and unprocessed contains all of the cofactors needed to process and assimilate that piece of food. It makes sense then that when food becomes processed, those necessary co-factors are often removed or altered and because of that, our bodies aren’t able to assimilate food in the same way as we could in its whole form, meaning we’re not getting the necessary nutrients. Realistically, most of us aren’t cooking from scratch 100% of the time. I know I’m not. Commercial harvesting, shipping processes, long term food storage, processing, and the addition of preservatives degrades the nutrient content of food. Therefore, unless you're eating a very fresh plant, it is a far different species at the time you’re eating it than it was when initially harvested. Also, unnatural additives to our food during many of these processes like MSG, aspartame, splenda, colorings and flavors will increase your body's need for nutrients so that your body can deal with these synthetic derivatives that are damaging to our bodies. Additionally, our soil just isn’t the same as it used to be. Our soil has become so depleted that we we’re not getting the same nutrients in our foods as we would have 40 years ago. The plants aren’t getting the nutrients from the soil that they need, and if it’s not in the plant then you're not going to get it from eating the plant! Unless we’re growing our own foods or buying organic all the time, we’re also receiving a good dose of pesticides, herbicides, and chemicals from our food supply and those, combined with environmental chemicals in water and the air pollution and our health and beauty products that we put on our body form free radicals in our body and attack our metabolism and immune system. All of these elements together vastly increase our need for extra vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to fight against the formation of free radicals and the attack upon our metabolism and immune system. With all of these factors combined, it’s not hard to see why good health does not just happen. It’s something a person has to be intentional about with our day to day choices. All is not lost. We can begin making small changes every day to improve our diet and our home environment. Little by little, these small changes add up to big change in the health and strength of our bodies. As a bare minimum, along with improving your nutrition, I recommend a good quality multi-vitamin and mineral supplement and vitamin D. Since the majority of supplements sold in the grocery store and pharmacy are of poor quality (see my article here on this topic), I’ve teamed up with a company called Fullscript, who allows me to provide access to practitioner-grade supplements to those of you in my healthy community, along with special pricing by using my link. I’ll include the link HERE. If you have any questions, just send me a message HERE. Until next time. May Anne |
AuthorAs a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, May Anne's passion is working with women who have lost themselves in the busyness of life and don't feel comfortable in their skin anymore. She uses a step-by-step program that includes nutrition and lifestyle strategies, along with coaching and support, leading them to feeling vibrant, energetic and confident in their skin, without dieting or spending hours in the kitchen. Archives
April 2020