The new Canada’s food guide is now more than ‘just about the food we eat’ and I feel it deserves some respect for the progress that it has made. The food guide has come a long way since it was last updated and personally, I’m pleased with the changes and hopeful that even more positive changes will continue to be made. Historically, Canada’s Food Guide was heavily influenced by the Industry Lobby and was something that many nutritionists (including myself) felt we had to work against. Now with the recent changes to the food guide, it feels like we’re getting much closer to being on the same page. Previously, our food guides haven’t done a whole lot to improve eating behaviour. Our Country is eating more junk food and processed foods than ever, and our food guide didn’t help with that. Canada’s new food guide was just released last week, and it’s different than any of its previous versions. I feel there is still progress to be made, including more of an emphasis on healthy fats, since they are essential to our health and well being, so I encourage you to always do your own research and empower yourself and your family with education. That being said, these are the changes that I'm pleased to see in Canada’s new Food Guide: 1. They listened to feedback and had the right objective
2. It includes help with changing eating behaviours There are many other factors that we know affect people’s food choices and the new food guide offers helpful tips that were previously not included. Things like the following healthy eating habits:
These are all things that us nutritional professionals teach on a regular basis, so it’s so nice to see our country’s food guide now reinforcing what we’ve been teaching for years. 3. It is simpler and more practical to implement The new guide focuses on an overall healthier pattern of eating, instead of specific servings (this is easier for us since we don’t carry around measuring cups with us.) The new focus is so simple. It says at meals to aim for: 50% fruit/vegetable, 25% whole grains, and 25% protein (dairy, meat, and alternatives) * As a personal note, I would really like to see an emphasis on healthy fats, which right now, are only touched on when you tab to the second page. They’ve also included a “Tips” button which includes helpful topics such as:
I have a question for you. Do you feel it will be challenging for you to aim for half of your plate being fruits and vegetables? Do you know that only 1% of North Americans are eating the required fruits and veggies each day that are required for healthy living? Now, I eat healthy and I do my best to eat as many whole, real, unprocessed fruits & veggies every day. To be honest though, there are many meals where fruits and veggies do not fill half my plate, as much as I want them to. Even as a holistic nutritionist, I don’t always get as much as I know I should. Also, as a creature of habit, I often get caught up eating the same foods, each and every day and therefore don’t always get the variety of foods I know I should. Plus, each and every day is different. As a super busy mom on the run with owning my own business, some days I fill my tummy with loads of nutrient & antioxidant rich foods, and some days, not so much. And some days more treats enter my day. We're all human and it happens. Does this sound familiar to you? This is why my family and I take Juice Plus. By taking 3 capsules, each morning and night, I know we are getting 30+ whole fruits, veggies and antioxidant and phytonutrient-rich foods, every single day, regardless of how busy I am or how much my lunch is lacking in nutrients on a particular day. Quite simply put, they 'Bridge the gap between what we do eat and what we should eat.' The best part about all of this is that, not only do I get this awesome boost of nutrition every day, but my son does too....for FREE as part of the Healthy Starts For Families Program. Before I go further, I want to specify that this is is no way meant to replace healthy eating or be used an excuse to eat junk food. Research actually shows that over 60% of families eat MORE fruits and vegetables and have increased other healthy behaviours after taking Juice Plus. If you would like the added insurance of adding 20-30 whole fruits and veggies to your diet each day, send me a message HERE and I will help you get started and I will ensure your child (or grandchild, relative) gets theirs for FREE. As always, I would love to hear your comments. Let me know what you think about the new food guide!
Until next time, May Anne
Admittedly, I used to have a love/hate relationship with exercise, but I’ve actually come to enjoy it now and that is because I choose to do exercises that I enjoy, and I leave the rest. (Don't feel like reading? No worries - just watch the video above!) Really, a lot of my exercise comes from daily movement and isn’t just for the sole purpose of working out. By that I mean, I take my son to the park and we play baseball or soccer, I go for family hikes, I take my dog out for walks, and I even make my house cleaning into a workout! (Can you picture me doing squats as I clean the shower walls?) Some of my body movements are from actual intentional exercise but a lot of it is from just being intentional about getting my body moving with things I enjoy! It’s important to understand WHY exercise is an essential component of healthy living or weight loss program, and HOW it will increase its effectiveness by helping you to tone up, strengthen your bones and speed up your metabolism, which will help you to lose weight more quickly. While 80% of weight loss is what we eat, exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle and plays a really important role in weight loss as well. Benefits of Exercise:
You don’t have to join a gym or buy fancy equipment. Incorporating movement into your daily living is easier and less complicated than you might think. Getting your body moving four to five days per week for at least 30 minutes will do wonders. As I mentioned earlier, finding something you enjoy is key. If you don’t enjoy it, you won’t stick with it. You can start small and gradually increase the time and intensity. The picture below features one of my absolute favourite ways to get my body moving - hiking in nature with my family (this was during our summer vacation in Gaspe, Quebec last month.) When I hike, I get it all - fresh air, sunshine, exercise, nature AND time with my family - Bonus! Here are some other great ideas:
The main thing is to find something you enjoy – so you stick with it! You also want to choose some weight-bearing exercises to strengthen your bones. A benefit to this is lean muscle mass speeds up your metabolism, which helps with weight loss. Even after your workout is over, you’ll continue to burn calories because of the increase in muscle. If you’re worried about looking bulky – don’t. Basically, if you can lift the weight you’re using 10 times in a row, you’re only going to tone your muscles and not bulk up. Here’s your ACTION TASK: Choose an activity (or more than one) from the list above, or use your own ideas, and get your body moving 2 days this week. You’re going to gradually increase that to at least 4 days/week. If you’re like me, you’ll need to schedule it in your agenda, and give it the same level of importance (or higher!) as paying the bills. Whenever we do something for ourselves, for some reason, it’s the first thing that gets set aside when anything seemingly more important comes up. Do you see this happening in your life? If so, make sure you read this blog post about why it's essential to put yourself on your to-do list. So, expect that to happen and when you see that happening, take note of it, and make sure you rearrange your schedule so that exercise and the time needed to prepare your foods is a priority. You’re worth it and when you take the time to take care of yourself everyone around you benefits. When you feel better about yourself and you’re giving your body and mind what they need physically, emotionally and nutritionally, others are going to notice a shift in your mood and your attitude and it’s going to affect your relationships for the better. After you watch this video (or read this post), I want you to share in the comments below what exercises you’re choosing to get your body moving this week! Until next time, May Anne xo Almost all of the women I see in my practice want to look and feel better than they do right now, and a lot of them either focus on food OR exercise, but not always both. The thing is, being in optimal health is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise, so if you want 100% results, you have to do both. Today I’m going to cover the nutrition aspect of working out. Fueling your body with good nutrition at all times is important. However, it's especially important when you’re being physically active. The ideal meals or snacks prior to a workout would be ones that include a complex carbohydrate. Examples of these would be things like Banana Bread Overnight Oats (see recipe below), greek yogourt with berries or fruit with nut butter. After a workout, your body will require protein and carbohydrate to support recovery. We consume carbohydrates to replenish our depleted muscle glycogen stores. Protein is consumed to provide the needed amino acids that will help build muscle and bones. The current research has shown that consuming a snack or meal that contains both within the first two hours after a workout is optimal. Dr. David Phillips, M.D., tells us, “Complete by Juice Plus+® shake mix stands superior to other protein shake mixes on the market today because it’s a clean-burning, macronutrient-rich, plant-based drink. The primary plant protein, non-GMO water-washed soy, is a complete protein which means it contains all of the essential amino acids necessary to build muscle as well as maintain other vital bodily functions.” In addition, this product provides a good source of complex carbohydrate from whole plants. Don’t have the shake? Simple snacks such as hummus with crackers and nut butter with fruit are other options. Think of antioxidants as the good guys that fight the oxidative stress in your body. Throughout the Shred10® program that I’m currently running, we encourage fruits, vegetables, and berries, which are some of the best sources of antioxidants. However, the reality is we often don’t consume enough in our daily lives. This is why I take Juice Plus company’s Garden, Orchard, and Vineyard capsules which provide similar benefits to my body in a convenient and easy way. These products are never meant to replace what we should be consuming from fruits and vegetables, they are only meant to bridge the gap. The last thing I want to mention is to drink plenty of water, especially if you’re exercising in the heat. Being active increases your needs due to fluids lost through sweat. If you don't replenish the water loss, you can become dehydrated. Dehydration affects both your mental and physical performance and can lead to impaired coordination, inability to make appropriate decisions, a greater rise in body temperature, and cardiovascular strain. Always begin your exercise activity well hydrated. Drink at least half your body weight in ounces daily, and increase as necessary with exercise, and sip on fluids during your activity. If you want to be included in an upcoming Shred10™ or have questions about what the Shred is all about, just send me a message HERE. BANANA BREAD OVERNIGHT OATS INGREDIENTS: 1 mashed ripe banana ½ cup rolled or steel cut oats ½ cup plant based milk, unsweetened 2 Tbsp chopped pecans or walnuts 1 tsp vanilla extract ½ tsp cinnamon dash of sea salt 1 Tbsp ground flax 2 tsp 100% pure maple syrup DIRECTONS: 1) Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix until all ingredients are incorporated well. Pour into single serve bowls or mason jars. 2) Refrigerate overnight (at least 4 hours). 3) Serve hot or cold. 4) Garnish with some sliced banana or more nuts if desired. Ever heard someone give themselves permission to indulge their sweet tooth just because they just had a great workout? It’s a common excuse, and I've been guilty of it myself. Many people believe that because they exercise, they’re in the black as far as their calorie input/output. But in reality, this sort of thinking is a sure road to failure. Most people with a lean body and a 6-pack didn’t get that way by rationalizing their way to the dessert buffet. Many people have no idea how many calories they take in on an average day, often severely underestimating when asked to take a guess at it. But they also overestimate the number of calories they burn. The truth is, 30 minutes of the best boot camp in town will not cancel out that burger and fries! This isn’t to say that I believe counting calories is the way to long-term, healthy weight loss. Not at all. Different foods tend to affect your hormone levels, metabolism, hunger and appetite differently. For example, eating 100 calories worth of donuts will not diminish your hunger as effectively as eating 100 calories from apples. Therefore, a donut will more than likely make you overeat later in the day, cause cravings, irritability, fatigue and a loss of focus. But this whole talk of focusing solely on calorie counting for weight loss is a whole other blog post! I'll touch more on that another time. Do the math As an example of how easy it is to eat more than our body needs, let’s look at the hard numbers. An average, moderately intensive workout will burn 300-400 calories in about an hour. That’s an hour of hard work with plenty of sweat and hard breathing. Now say on the way home from the gym, you decide to grab a couple of donuts from Dunkin’ Donuts. After all, you’ve earned it! In the 3 minutes it will take you to put away two chocolate frosted cake donuts, you’ve consumed 720 calories. All your hard work is wasted, plus you’ve provided your body with several hundred extra calories to store as fat! Or maybe you just want to grab some pizza and soda with your family for a quick, easy dinner. You consider the 600 calories you burned running on the treadmill for an hour today (at 10 miles per hour—that’s a really fast run for a really long time!), so you eat 4 pieces of pizza and a coke. No problem, right? Wrong. You just downed 900-1,000 calories in about 10 minutes! Is it really worth it? Face the facts The bottom line is you simply can’t out train a bad diet. If you try to spar a bad diet with exercise, the exercise will lose every single time. The only way to lose weight and get that lean, sexy, healthy body that looks great in anything (or nothing) is to eat a healthy diet AND exercise. Your weight loss is driven by diet and maintained by exercise. Only then will you begin to see the fat melt away. Exercise builds muscle and can rev up your metabolism, but you won’t lose weight if you continually eat more than you can metabolize. This is not to say that exercise is not important. It is! In fact, according to Barry Braun, associate professor of kinesiology at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, “When you look at the results in the National Weight Control Registry, you see over and over that exercise is one constant among people who’ve maintained their weight loss.” If you try to spar a bad diet with exercise, the exercise will lose every single time. Want to keep the pounds off? Exercise! Exercise is crucial. And you must combine it with a balanced diet if you want to shed pounds. Start smart
Have you been trying to out exercise your diet? Don’t be discouraged; many of us have been guilty of this. It’s time to rethink your weight loss strategy. Try the following tips to start fresh and recreate your body!
You need both exercise and a healthy diet to be lean, strong and healthy. Don’t neglect either one! Wishing you health & happiness, May Anne xo P.S. I've just finished up creating my 6-Week Slim-Down Program for Moms, and am looking forward to sharing it with you very soon! Stay tuned! If you have any questions or comments, please send me an email at [email protected]. Join me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, where I'm always hanging out and posting healthy daily tips for looking and feeling your best! |
AuthorAs a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, May Anne's passion is working with women who have lost themselves in the busyness of life and don't feel comfortable in their skin anymore. She uses a step-by-step program that includes nutrition and lifestyle strategies, along with coaching and support, leading them to feeling vibrant, energetic and confident in their skin, without dieting or spending hours in the kitchen. Archives
April 2020