One of the biggest reasons I see in my practice why nutritionally people don’t lose weight is Toxicity. (Don't feel like reading? You can watch the video above with the same information!) We become toxic from our beauty products like shampoos, lotions, perfumes, what we’re cleaning our homes with, processed and convenience foods and the environment around us. Our toxic exposure is incredibly high and toxic exposure is a big contributor to diseases like cancer. Now, our bodies have the ability to break those toxins down and eliminate them, but we need to nutritionally support those processes. If we’re eating a lot of convenience foods and fast foods and we’re not getting enough whole foods, specifically fruits and vegetables, we’re not supporting those metabolic pathways in our liver and our body isn’t capable of breaking down and eliminating those toxins. So, it does the next best thing -which is to wrap it in a fat cell and store it. The problem with that is we end up with toxic bodies and our bodies become really resistant to weight loss and fat loss because it has to deal with the toxins stored inside. Remember, our bodies number one priority is to protect us first and foremost. This is why the Shred10® program using the Juice Plus products works so well, because the only foods your body needs to support these metabolic pathways are plant foods. If you’re getting a variety of plant foods into your body every single day, then you’re supporting those metabolic pathways and your body’s ability to break down and eliminate these toxins. The problem is, most of us are not getting even close to the recommended 7-13 servings every day of a wide variety of fruits and veggies (and that number is just for basic health), not even myself who is a nutritionist. When I stop and think about it, I'm a creature of habit and really eat the same foods over and over, and I don’t get the wide variety of fruits and veggies that ultimately my body needs. The Shred10® program is designed to give your body what it needs and eliminate what it doesn’t need, so your body can break down and eliminate toxins, which then allows you to lose weight more easily, have brighter skin and a brighter smile, more energy, less foggy thinking and irritability and overall vastly improved health with the ability to fight off illness and disease. I'm thinking about running another Shred10® in my private Facebook group for women again soon, so if you want in, let me know and I will add you to the list! Let's jumpstart to shredding the habits that no longer serve you - together! Until next time, May Anne xo
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AuthorAs a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, May Anne's passion is working with women who have lost themselves in the busyness of life and don't feel comfortable in their skin anymore. She uses a step-by-step program that includes nutrition and lifestyle strategies, along with coaching and support, leading them to feeling vibrant, energetic and confident in their skin, without dieting or spending hours in the kitchen. Archives
April 2020